RALF HUMPHRIES: After many life adventures and explorations, including two decades of academic research, and after five years as a solitary renunciate in the mid-2000’s, he arrived at the doorstep of Trillium Awakening in 2011. It was with the multi-dimensional support of this community that he realized his whole-being nature in May, 2013.
Ralf was the recipient of the Doctoral Medal at Monash University for his PhD dissertation and has published numerous peer-reviewed research articles in journals internationally in the areas of European and Anglo-American analytic philosophy, cultural studies, politics, psychoanalysis, literary studies, and social theory. He is the author of The Obstacle is Essential: On the Unthinkable Intimacy of Words and Things and Abyss of Precision: How the Consequences of Deconstruction are a Fall from Logic into Life. Ralf is also the editor of New Principles of Awakened Relationship (2018) by Rod Taylor.
In the last seven years, Ralf has worked as a counselling and psychotherapy educator and as a senior addiction treatment clinician. He also has an ongoing private practice as a psychotherapist. Currently, he is focusing on whole being awakening oriented work through the Whole Being Evolution Path™ and through Trillium Awakening™.
Ralf lives in the western suburbs of Melbourne, in Australia, with his partner.
Ralf’s Websites:
Contact Ralf:
- Email: ralfhum@gmail.com
- Phone: +61407755866