Whole Being Evolution Illuminated
Whole Being Evolution Overview

Whole Being Evolution Overview

Whole Being Evolution Overview

by Rod Taylor

Advancing Stages of Human Evolution
from Source to Source

Whole Being Evolution is a natural, life-long process that is occurring in our own life and throughout all life as an evolutionary impulse of Being.

Whole Being Evolution from Source to Source is the eternal story of Whole Being Soul.

Whole Being Evolution is clarified and supported here by a comprehensive Whole Being Evolution Map, empowering activation, and evolutionary guidance for realizing, embodying, and living the evolution of self from Source to Source.

The Whole Being Evolution teaching framework recognizes and includes the whole being realization approaches and teachings of Trillium Awakening™. And it complements those teachings through outlining and supporting further evolutionary unfoldments in Consciousness, Embodiment, and Mutuality that emerge in whole being awakened life. This teaching framework is offered as a resource for Trillium Awakening teachers and students and as a body of knowledge and support for anyone on an awakening path.

Whole Being Evolution teachings clarify, activate and illuminate human evolution through archetypal Phases of Realization, corresponding Transformations of Inner Core, and resulting lived Stages of Evolution.

An initial awakening into whole being realization can evolve over time to include eight distinct whole being awakened realizations. 

The unfolding phases, transformations, and stages of Whole Being Evolution may ultimately lead to living:  Whole Being Sacred Wholeness Realization — Golden Sacred Singularity Transformation — Conscious Sacred Wholeness Stage.



~~   REALIZING   ~~


Phases of Realization

Whole Being Evolution leads through eight distinct Awakened Whole Being Realizations on the journey of the soul from Source to Source:

♦   Whole Being Realization
♦   Whole Being Continuity Realization
♦   Whole Being Heart Realization
♦   Whole Being Fire of Life Realization
♦   Whole Being ‘No Self’ Realization
♦   Whole Being Sacred Essence Realization
♦   Whole Being Sacred Self Realization
♦   Whole Being Sacred Wholeness Realization

Free Video Presentation:

Advanced Stages of Whole Being Realization by Rod Taylor [1 hr 14 min]


~~   BEING   ~~


Transformations of Inner Core

The evolutionary unfoldment of Awakened Whole Being Realizations correlates with the embodied experience of eight Awakened Transformations of Inner Core of Self:

♦   Conscious as Core Paradox
♦   Conscious as Core Triadox
♦   Conscious as Core Love
♦   Conscious as Core Trinity
♦   Conscious as Emergent Source
♦   Conscious as Sacred Essence
♦   Conscious as Sacred Heart
♦   Conscious as Golden Sacred Singularity


~~   LIVING   ~~


Stages of Evolution

Awakened Whole Being Realizations and the corresponding Awakened Transformations of Inner Core, become integrated as the lived nature of the eight Awakened Stages of Whole Being Evolution:

♦   Awakened Life
♦   Seamless Awake Life
♦   Heart Awake Life
♦   Awake as Fire of Life
♦   Awake as Self–No Self
♦   Awake as Sacred Essence
♦   Awake as Sacred Self
♦   Awake as Conscious Sacred Wholeness




Click on the Chart to open the image for clearer viewing



The Whole Being Evolution Map is composed of a range of graphic charts that present the evolution of self from Source to Source.

The Map takes us through phases of realization that are inclusive of the identity, existence, and relatedness dimensions of self. It begins with inception and emergence from Source, progresses through evolution of early self to Whole Being Realization, evolves through a series of awakened Whole Being Realizations, and culminates in Whole Being Sacred Wholeness Realization for a total of eight clearly discriminated whole being awakened realizations.

In each of the awakened phases of realization there is a key whole being evolution process that leads to that particular whole being realization.

For each whole being realization there is a corresponding transformation of inner core that signifies the whole being embodiment of the realization.

There is a period of whole being synthesis for each whole being realization and corresponding transformation of inner core that results in the lived nature of a corresponding stage of evolution.

The Whole Being Evolution Map offers deep evolutionary insight, clarifies personal stages of evolution, and illuminates the nature of love. The Map can be used as an activating instrument for accelerating one’s personal whole being evolution through contemplating awakening discriminations, sensing internal knowings, and expressing lived discoveries.

See the Three Whole Being Evolution Map Wholeness Charts:
Wholeness Flow Diagram; Wholeness Elements Table; Wholeness Stages Layout

–  Scroll down under the “Map” tab on this website:


~~   GRACE  ~~


Emergence of the Whole Being Evolution Teaching Framework

Rod Taylor, through the Grace of his evolving whole being realizations, embodied transformations, and lived experiences, originated the Whole Being Evolution Teachings, Whole Being Evolution Map, and Whole Being Evolution Guidance. The Teachings, Map, and Guidance emerged and became clarified over an extended period of years through his teaching role with individual students, his creation of graphic charts detailing whole being evolution, and his delivery of whole being evolution related presentations, workshops, and retreats.

Colleagues who contributed to the unfoldment of the teaching framework include: Ralf Humphries who provided wise, awakened, interlocutor support to Rod throughout the creation of the Map; Van Nguyen who engaged in deep insightful conversations with Rod in advanced areas of the map; and, Francesca Blackstock who co-created with Rod six online retreats that made a catalytic contribution to his final clarifications of the Map. They, and other colleagues, are contributing to further unfoldment of this knowledge field, by working with Rod to mutually offer related courses and retreats, and by offering their own whole being evolution oriented services and events.

~~   EDUCATION  ~~

Detailed Teachings About Whole Being Evolution are Available in: 

Awakenings Beyond Initial Whole Being Realization – Free Self Study Course