Whole Being Evolution Illuminated
Whole Being Soul Evolution – Video Course

Whole Being Soul Evolution – Video Course

Link Available February 2025 



Whole Being Soul Evolution
~ Living Eternity in the Form of Self ~

Video Course


The presentations in this course were recorded during a Trillium Awakening Online Retreat June 23 to June 26, 2022,

By Trillium Awakening Teachers Rod Taylor, Francesca Blackstock, Van Nguyen, and Robert Silvers.


‘Soul is the Sacred Mystery of Source expressing
in, as and through one’s personal evolving nature’

 Whole Being Soul Evolution

~ Realizing Eternity in the Form of Self ~

Whole Being Evolution from Source to Source is the eternal story of Whole Being Soul.

Whole Being Realization is a crucial doorway to realizing the nature of our soul.

In whole being realization, the fundamental dimensions of creation have become illuminated in our whole being nature as Consciousness, Embodiment, and Mutuality.

This realization brings the end of seeking, either immediately or gradually over time – The end of seeking is the beginning of realizing one’s soul nature.

Through the evolutionary processes of greenlighting, oscillation, and reconfiguration,
we relax into our self ‘as it is’ and find our fundamental core nature as
Freedom, Trust, and Love.

We realize our triadoxical nature as the simultaneity of
Consciousness, Being, and Universal Love – the alchemical fire of life arising as our self

This whole being self is fundamentally
free of seeking, free of needing to be something else, free of not being enough –
we recognize the eternal nature of creation emerging in our own form.

Living this truth, we come to realize the Sacred Mystery of Source
eternally expressing in, as, and through our soul nature as self.

We are living Eternity in the form of self,
Always Awareness–Always Being–Always Love.


  • Course Fee: $39.99 USD
  • 7 lessons
  • 2.8 hours of video content

These teaching
s are designed to be thought provoking and inspirational as you explore your own Soul Nature through these different viewpoints.



Rod Taylor is an international teacher of conscious embodied non-dual awakening. He is the founder of the Whole-Being Evolution Teachings, creator of the Whole-Being Evolution Map, and author of the book New Principles of Awakened Relationship.

For over 50 years he has been teaching spiritual awakening knowledge and techniques to individuals and groups. Since 2007 he has been offering workshops and coaching services as a member of the Trillium Awakening™ Teachers Circle, and since 2019 has also been offering workshops and coaching services as a Whole Being Evolution Guide.

Rod is a member of the Trillium Awakening Visionary Council and a certified Trillium Awakening Whole Being Realization Clarifier. He has a Master of Adult Education degree and post-secondary certification in Conflict Resolution.

Teaching and coaching in the field of whole being realization is Rod’s passion and his joy. He lives with his beloved wife Andrea on Vancouver Island, BC, Canada.


Van Nguyen has been a teacher of the Trillium Awakening path since 1996 and is a member of the Elders Council of the Trillium Awakening Teachers Circle.

Van contributed to the formulation of the dharma in the early days of this work, as well as, helped in the training of new teachers for serving the awakening process of many students who have come into this path over the years. Van is one of the original Whole Being Realization Clarifiers.

Van also has a keen interest and devotion towards the Feminine Face of Supreme Divine Being. As such, using the metaphor of the unified field of Totality being one “Cosmic Body of Existence”, he feels that Radiant Supreme Love is the Heart of the “Body”, the Divine Energy-Current is the primal Energy of the “Body”, and both of these are unified with Transcendental Consciousness, which is the fundamental Ground-field of the “Body”.

Van was a holistic dentist in San Francisco for 40 years, and in 2018, he retired from dentistry and now lives near beautiful Sedona, Arizona, with his beloved fiancée, Lynn.

Francesca Blackstock is a retired Registered Social worker. She has been supporting individuals and families for over 40 years through a variety of Child Protective Service positions as well as in private practice.

In her private practice since 2001, she has focused on supporting people to live a more passionate & loving life through Tantra courses, Women’s Empowerment workshops and private sessions with individuals & couples.

Francesca is a Trillium Awakening Interning Teacher, who is actively involved in the TATC teachers circle, serving on the Board of Directors, Operations Circle & Integration Circle. She holds the role of Liaison to the Teachers Circle and chairs the monthly teacher meetings. She has envisioned and organized a series of six Online Retreats as well as two in-person Retreats.

Francesca lives in Calgary, Canada with her husband Don & her canine fur baby, Gracie.


Robert Silvers is a spiritual mentor, a certified Metatronic Healing practitioner, and a retired Trillium Awakening Teacher. He was a Zen monk and lived at the Zen Center of Los Angeles for eight years. Following that time, he continued to explore spiritual development through a number of paths (Hindu Advaita, Jewish Renewal, Sufi groups, incarnational spirituality etc.) as well as pursuing psychotherapeutic and personal development work, including an in-depth study of the Enneagram.

Robert found Trillium Awakening in 2009 and saw the “rightness” of a path that honored both Divinity and our human wholeness. He became a mentor in 2011 and a teacher in 2012. He was also the Executive Director of the Institute of Awakened Mutuality (the educational arm of this work) from 2011 to 2014.

Robert has a Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior from Stanford University which led to a career as a business school professor. After leaving that career, he trained as a clinical hypnotherapist and life coach and worked for several years in the coaching profession. He has also served on the boards of several spiritual nonprofit organizations. Robert lives with his wife and their cats near Seattle, Washington.